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 1414 Aramid Filament
 Aramid yarn
 Aramid short fibre
 Aramid fabric
 Aramid coloured yarn
 Aramid colored short fibers
If you have any questions please contact us
> Tel:0512-52327397
> E-mail:yifei3023@163.com
Location:Index > Contact us
   Suzhou Zhaoda Special Fiber Technical Co., Ltd  

Address: Changshu new material industrial park of sea level road 20
Tel: 0512-52327397
0512-52323227/52323217 (marketing),
0512-52327395 (department),
Fax: 0512-52327397
Mobile phones:
Zip code: 215522
E-mail: info@zdtq.net
Web: http://www.zdtq.net


Copyright © 2009-2010 Suzhou Zhaoda Specially Fiber Technical Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved
Suzhou Zhaoda Specially Fiber Technical Co.,Ltd. Add:Changshu sea level road 20 Tel:0512-52327397 Fax:0512-52327397